
Look at the Monster – JackieSchwabe.com

Look at the Monster - JackieSchwabe.com

Look at the Monster – JackieSchwabe.com

GetOutOfYourOwnWay-V4-Design1_03 Look at the Monster - JackieSchwabe.com

This is one of those things that I talk about often with clients.  They tell me they are busy all day long, but they are not getting the important things done.  Or they tell me that they know they are procrastinating on doing something, so they put it off until the end of the day and then sometimes just don’t do it at all.

I’m no stranger to procrastination or to putting off hard things for longer than is healthy.  It wasn’t until the last few years that I even knew you could get an extension on filing your taxes.  It isn’t a good thing that I know that either.  BTW – you should be getting things going for filing your taxes.

Anyway, there was a great book that I read some time back called “Eat the Frog.”  Essentially, the book suggests that you start your day by doing the hard thing that you normally would put off.  There are a ton of great reasons to do this.  First, you will not wait all that energy avoiding it all day.  Second, you will feel accomplished by like 9:00 am in the morning.  Third, well you won’t be getting in your own way of success.

You see … growth never comes in your comfort zone.  Think about it.  My kids even have literal growing pains.  You don’t do more or get better by doing the same things and avoiding the same things.  Growth comes during the discomfort.  Growth comes when you do the hard stuff. 

So, give it a try and let me know how it goes.  If you want help staying on track reach out to me or any of the other coaches on coach.me right here -à https://www.coach.me/PressPlay_Lifestyle?ref=135Kp

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