
Insect-Inspired Science Toys : Hatch A Butterfly

Insect-Inspired Science Toys

Insect-Inspired Science Toys : Hatch A Butterfly

470600_1_468 Insect-Inspired Science Toys : Hatch A Butterfly

The ‘Hatch A Butterfly’ toy adds an educational, scientific twist on the grow-a-toys design. Grow-a-toys are toys designed to expand when placed in water and grow more than double their original size. The Hatch A Butterfly toy increases up to six times its original size and shows the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

It is a great activity for parents and guardians to do with their kids as it explains the life cycle of a butterfly in its chrysalis stage while practicing their patience. The cause-and-effect toy takes 72 hours to hatch and grow. Consumers can also reuse it multiple times as when it is left out of the water; it shrinks down to its original size.

Image Credit: Perpetual Kid, Boxer Gifts

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