
Automatic Motivation Mastery Special Offer CB – Succeed Feed

Automatic Motivation Mastery Special Offer CB – Succeed Feed

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Product Name: Automatic Motivation Mastery Special Offer CB – Succeed Feed

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Automatic Motivation Mastery Special Offer CB – Succeed Feed is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Discover How To Automatically Motivate Yourself To Get Anything Done With Simple 5 Minute Techniques

You're Here Because You Know You Could Achieve More — A Lot More! 

Tell me if this sounds like you:

Millions of people – hard-working, talented people just like you – suffer from the same problems every day. And unfortunately, if they don’t develop the skill of self-motivation to take consistent action on the things that matter to them… they’ll go to their graves filled with regret and self-loathing.

Simple – I was one of them.

You're Here Because You Know You Could Achieve More — A Lot More! 

Tell me if this sounds like you:

Millions of people – hard-working, talented people just like you – suffer from the same problems every day. And unfortunately, if they don’t develop the skill of self-motivation to take consistent action on the things that matter to them… they’ll go to their graves filled with regret and self-loathing.

Simple – I was one of them.

What's Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals?

So why do you do what you do?

Why is it that you know what to do and how to do it… you even say you want to do it, and yet fail to take consistent action?

And why can't you use willpower to get things done? Why can't you just discipline yourself?

You see, everything you do comes down the twin forces of motivation and they are:

These are what determine your behaviour in every area of your life. These are the driving forces that determine whether or not you take action in any given moment.

Whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, everything you do has a reason or reasons for it. You don’t do anything randomly Agreed?

These forces of pain and pleasure literally determine every single thing in your life.

If you’re not taking action on anything, whether it be your work, going to the gym, setting aside some savings, talking to that person you like… it’s because in those moments you link more pain to taking action and maybe even pleasure to not taking action.

And if you do take action it’s because you link pleasure to taking action and maybe even pain to not taking action.

So what prevents you from doing whatever it takes to make your life exactly as you've imagined it?

Most likely you know what actions you need to take to have the life you want, wouldn’t you agree? Maybe not all of them but enough to get started right?

You know that taking those actions would benefit you – That they could lead to pleasure right?

See consciously and intellectually you know better. You know exactly what to do, you know how to do it…  you probably even know what's stopping you and you still can't seem to take action.

The reason for this is your subconscious mind, or unconscious mind as its called…

Your Subconscious Mind Is Controlling Your Behaviour

You have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.

Your conscious mind allows you to think of new ideas, think outside the box, think creatively, set directions and set goals.

And your subconscious mind is like a programmable super computer that runs its fixed programs over and over.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for preserving your body.

Your beliefs, memories and emotions are stored in the subconscious mind and it is overwhelmingly more powerful than your conscious mind.

To give you an example of that, the conscious mind can process about 40 bits of data per second and the subconscious mind can process 40 million bits of data per second.

“Over 95% of our behaviour is dictated by the subconscious mind.” — Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr. Emmanuel Donchin says: “An enormous portion of cognitive activity is non-conscious,figuratively speaking, it could be 99 percent; we probably will never know precisely how much is outside awareness.”

What this all means is that you are conscious of less than 5% of your daily thoughts. Does that make sense?

Over 95% of your thoughts, what you do and how you feel is being determined by your subconscious programming.

Let me put this another way… where you are in life up until this point right now is a result of your conscious and unconscious choices and you’re not even aware of over 95% of them.

These programmed thoughts or your habitual thoughts… the ones that you are unconscious of, are creating your reality.

Put simply, your subconscious mind is dictating your level of motivation and what actions you take.

So the reason why you fail to act is because all these beliefs and associations about pain and pleasure are operating at a subconscious level. They are programmed into your subconscious mind.

Intellectually you know what to do. You know how to do it… but it’s your subconscious thoughts about what’s painful and what’s pleasurable that determines your level of action.

Trying To Use Willpower Is A Failing Strategy

So why can’t we all use willpower to take action and get things done? Why can’t we just discipline ourselves?

The problem with willpower is that it requires conscious effort, it requires full use of your conscious mind.

 But the conscious mind can only do so much at any given moment. It’s already preoccupied with learning and paying attention to things right?…

See, your nervous system is designed for efficiency. If you did everything consciously it would take forever. This is where 95% of your subconscious programming comes in and takes over.

So it’s 5% of your conscious thoughts vs 95% of your subconscious thoughts… trying to use willpower is fighting a losing battle.

Your subconscious mind will get its way over 95% of the time.

The very fact that you have to use willpower to do something already means that you don’t really want to do it in the first place right? I mean do you need willpower to do something fun? No right?

The reason why willpower is required is that there is subconscious resistance – Some negative associations, limiting beliefs and inner conflicts that are holding you back.

So can you see that whatever it is you want to do in your life… you must make sure that your subconscious mind is working for you and not against you.

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Success

See many people struggle to take action, fail to achieve their goals and self-sabotage their own success because consciously they want one thing and subconsciously they want something else.

 They have inner conflicts. Does that make sense?

Can you see why it becomes a struggle?

I wasted over 10 years of my life because consciously I wanted one thing but subconsciously wanted another.

It’s like being pulled in 2 opposite directions.

I kept repeating the same patterns because I didn’t change my subconscious thoughts and those are what ultimately determine your life.

Now the reason some people achieve massive success is because they have subconscious thoughts, beliefs and associations that support the achievement of their goals.

 Their subconscious mind is working in their favour.

They’re not necessarily smarter or better than you in any way, the only difference is, is that they’re taking more action right?

Their subconscious thoughts and beliefs allow them to tap into more of their potential and you can do the same.

Let me give you one more piece of information to summarise this for you… it’s not that you’re not motivated… you are to an extent.

 You want the perceived pleasure you’ll gain from taking action…  but our minds are designed to protect us from pain.

 If you link pain to the thing you say you want to do at the subconscious level… if you have resistance that’s holding you back you simply will not take effective action and things will be a lot harder and take a lot longer to do than they need to.

Until you change your subconscious thinking your results won’t change.

Does that make sense?Now is the time to automate your motivation, take action on what's most important to you and achieve more in the next 12 months than most people do in a lifetime…

“The ability to self-motivate is the cornerstone to true wealth.”

Everything you need to automatically boost your motivation, effortlessly take consistent action on what's important to you and achieve more in the next 12 months than most people do in a lifetime with simple 5 minute techniques.

Who want to grow their business and make more money

That want to boost their productivity, tap into their full potential and achieve more success

So that they can control their behaviour, actions and emotions in any situation

Who feels stuck, wants to eliminate procrastination & bad habits, enjoy taking action and achieve their goals

Automatic Motivation Mastery is broken into 28 easy to consume lessons that will equip you with all the knowledge and tools you need to create change and automate your motivation.

In Motivation Mastery you'll dive deep into why you do what you do, the subconscious saboteurs and the obstacles holding you back from taking efficient and effective action. This will give you a new found level of awareness that will help you to become unstuck and move forward. 

The Threshold Technique is an extremely powerful process that will help you to become unstuck. 

Visualisation has been a fundamental of success for decades and yet most people don't consciously do visualise. In fact, most people use visualisation in a negative way without even knowing it.

Pleasure Motivation Linking

This simple, yet powerful technique will allow you to link pleasure to any task or activity so that you're compulsed to do the things that you need to get done.

This is a extremely powerful and versatile technique that has multiple applications. You're only limited by your imagination with this technique.

Another versatile technique with multiple applications, The Motivation Swish is ideal for changing your habits.

Riz Pasha is a serial entrepreneur, coach, consultant and the founder of Succeed Feed — His content has impacted over 1,000,000 people worldwide. 

He suffered with chronic procrastination for over 10 years. Yet, having overcome this, it makes him the best person to teach you how to do it too. 

In fact, it's because of this experience, knowledge and skillsets in multiple fields that makes him a sought-after coach and consultant today.

Change Your Limiting Beliefs Within Minutes

Change limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs that will help you unlock your true potential and achieve your goals. Within minutes you'll be able to change your limiting beliefs about money, success, failure, rejection and your self-worth allowing you to reach a new level of personal freedom and self-acceptance.

The scramble pattern will allow you to scramble away any fearful or disempowering thoughts and memories so you won’t feel the negative emotions anymore. It only takes 7 minutes to scramble away your fears to the point where you'll have trouble thinking about them in the same way.

Automatically wake up at 5am or anytime you set your alarm for so that you start your day right, full of energy and excitement for what's to come. It only takes 10 minutes and is virtually fool proof. You’ll instantly develop the habit of becoming an early riser the following morning.

Discover the most important aspects of managing your dopamine levels so that you can boost your motivation and ability to focus and concentrate. Plus you'll discover a life-changing technique that will create real, positive physical changes in your brain to make your life enjoyable again.

You're Protected With Our 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Remember you don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the materials for up to 60 days risk-free from the purchase date. Then, you can decide whether to keep the program. If you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply contact our support team at succeedfeed.com/contact.

Join now to test drive the program today.

The tools and techniques in Automatic Motivation Mastery will work if you use them. The only reason this will not work for you is if you don't use them. As with most things in life you will get out what you put in. 

That being said, the difference is that Automatic Motivation Mastery has been designed for you to take action. Not only is it extremely comprehensive, but you will also have email support if you have any questions about the program.

The content will take you about 3.5 hours to go through, however you may need to watch certain lessons again, especially when it comes to applying the tools and techniques. How long this takes you is dependant upon yourself.

The program is delivered through a members area that you can instantly access on your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. It is primarily in video format and includes PDF worksheets for you to print if required. The lessons are also available to download in audio format.

You're protected with our 100% risk-free guarantee. This is a 60 day money back guarantee. Remember you don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the materials for up to 60 days risk-free from the purchase date. Then, you can decide whether to keep the program. If you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply contact our support team and ask for a refund.

You'll receive first class email support to answer any questions you have in relation Automatic Motivation Mastery.

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Automatic Motivation Mastery Special Offer CB – Succeed Feed is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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