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Are You Actually Eco-Friendly? Use The Checklist

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Would you say you are earth conscious?

And you are out there doing your part to save the planet and live a sustainable life?

Would you say you are the expert of all of your friends when it comes to being eco friendly?

Are you actually doing all that you can?

Why not use this self-evaluation to determine just how eco friendly you are.

* Use fluorescent light bulbs in your home.

* Turn off electronics at night (TV, computers, radios, etc.).

* Turn off lights when you leave a room.

* Don't rinse dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.

* Only run full loads for the washing machine or dishwasher.

* Wash laundry in cold water.

* Hang clothes to dry.

* Skip the oven preheat except for baking.

* Recycle newspaper.

* Recycle glass.

* Recycle aluminum.

* Recycle paper.

* Recycle cell phones.

* Recycle ink cartridges.

* Recycle hangers.

* Use an eco-friendly dry cleaner.

* Use both sides of a piece of paper.

* Reuse gift wrap like bows and gift bags.

* Use reusable bags at the grocery store.

* Use reusable water bottles.

* Use reusable coffee mugs.

* Use a water filtration system instead of buying bottled water.

* Use reusable lunch bags.

* Don't use coffee stirrers.

* Stop paper bills/statements.

* Pay bills online.

* No baths, showers only.

* Shared showers amongst family members.

* No running water while brushing teeth.

* Take short five-minute showers.

* Adjust your thermostat, keep your house cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer.

* Open windows and turn off air conditioning whenever possible.

* Walk or ride a bike most places.

* Use public transportation or carpool to work.

* Do all your errands at once.

* Go to a car wash.

* Work from home whenever you can.

* Use your cruise control.

* Keep your car tuned up and well maintained.

* Plant a tree.

* Clean your home with eco-friendly cleaning products.

* Do yard care with eco-friendly products.

* Keep your fireplace damper closed.

* Use matches instead of lighters.

* Cut down on the junk mail.

* Give away clothes and other items you don't use anymore.

* Buy second hand.

* Use cloth diapers on your baby.

* Use wash clothes instead of wipes.

* Don't use paper towels.

* Download software instead of purchasing the disc.

* Use e-tickets wherever you can.

* No answering machine, use voicemail instead.

* Use rechargeable batteries.

* Buy local.

So, how did you do?

Anything you could improve on?

Do you feel you are truly the eco-conscientious person you always believed yourself to be?

Being eco conscious is not only something you'll find is good for our planet, but you'll also notice some huge money savings.

Your energy costs will go down as will your grocery bill. So work on reducing your carbon footprint on this planet, one thing at a time.

And before you know it, you too will be living an eco-friendly life.


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